On the ground

Ludshott Common Archaeology Days

Multiple dates and times available

Join Grayshott Heritage, Haslemere Museum, Liss Archaeology and the National Trust for a closer look at the changing landscape of Ludshott Common and Waggoners Wells as we help show how archaeology, heritage and history can reveal some of the hidden stories locked within the land you walk. Learn about the people who have used the landscape over time and discover what they left behind! Find out how current land management, conservation and heritage come together to look after and protect the archaeology, rare species, heathland, grassland and wooded areas.

From memorial stone to tree graffiti, habitat conservation to archaeological finds, sunken tracks to paths, soldiers to commoners and not forgetting the ranger teams, volunteers and archaeologists, Ludshott Common has been a hive of human activity throughout time. Though it may look like a magnificent untouched rural wilderness, the human hand has sought to tame and control this landscape over thousands of years.

Staff and volunteers from the National Trust, The Ludshott Committee, Liss Archaeology, Haslemere Museum and Grayshott Heritage will be on site during the day running a range of archaeological activities to help you unlock the colourful stories and events of Ludshott Common and Waggoners Wells.

Activities include information stands, a series of guided walks, artefacts, finds handling and much, much, more.

Why not take a trip to the Hampshire countryside, come and find out more yourself and see what you might discover?

Guided Walks

Wartime Archaeology: Evidence of military activities on Ludshott Common

Join members of Liss Archaeology for an easy, fairly flat walk, looking at the evidence left behind from the First and Second World Wars.

Superior Road Car Park, Ludshott Common Road, Grayshott

19th July 10.00 am

26th July 2.00 pm

Ironmasters and Broomsquires: Ironworking and broom-making in Waggoners Wells

A walk, led by John Childs of Grayshott Heritage, down into Waggoners Wells, touching upon two local industries – ironworking and broom-making.

Superior Road Car Park, Ludshott Common Road, Grayshott

19th July 2.00 pm

Canadians and Commoners: Human exploitation of Ludshott Common

A walk, led by John Childs of Grayshott Heritage, around the higher part of the common to look at various aspects of its human exploitation.

Superior Road Car Park, Ludshott Common Road, Grayshott

26th July 10.00 am

Managing the Common: Nature Conservation and Archaeology

Join the National Trust Ranger team for a one hour guided walk on the common talking about historic management of this rare lowland heathland habitat since its acquisition by the Trust in 1908, and how nature conservation is delicately balanced with preservation of archaeology and forestry work.

Superior Road Car Park, Ludshott Common Road, Grayshott

19th July 12.00 pm

26th July 12.00 pm



Superior Camp Car Park, Ludshott Common, Hampshire, GU26 6DS, United Kingdom

Additional location/direction information

Stands will be located at the far end of Superior Camp concrete road. Located at GU26 6DS, access from B3002, Waggoners Wells Junction


Wed, 19 Jul

10:00 AM

Wed, 19 Jul

12:00 PM

Wed, 19 Jul

2:00 PM

Wed, 26 Jul

10:00 AM

Wed, 26 Jul

12:00 PM

Wed, 26 Jul

2:00 PM

Duration of event

7 hours Please see main description for timings of the specific walks.

Additional booking information

Free exhibitions, but guided walks need booking

Additional fee information

£3 for guided walks