Equity and Inclusion Hub


The CBA have brought together a range of resources and links relating to equity, inclusion, and diversity that offer opportunities to learn, seek advice and find support.  

As an organisation, we acknowledge that we have work to do to better understand many of the issues facing individuals participating in archaeology and to create changes that ensure archaeology is accessible to everyone.  

The CBA does not tolerate racism or discrimination of any kind. Our Code of Conduct sets out our expected standards of behaviour and applies to staff, trustees and other volunteers, consultants working for the CBA, service providers, and also to CBA members and guests attending our events or accessing our services. 

We also encourage anyone participating in archaeology and heritage to take the time to use the resources below so that we are all better equipped to ensure that any participatory opportunities are safe and enjoyable for all.  

The hub is designed to cover all aspects of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and remains an evolving resource. As such, this is just a start, and if you are aware of any resources, organisations or material that it would be beneficial to share here, please email details to [email protected]

CBA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion statement

The CBA has released a statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Heritage. You can read our statement here



  • European Society of Black & Allied Archaeologists - A collective of anti-racist archaeologists, led by women of colour.
  • Museum Detox - The Network for Museum and Heritage Workers who identify as of colour.  
  • Society of Black Archaeologists - promoting academic excellence and social responsibility by creating a space for Black archaeologists and other scholars who support SBA’s goals and activities.
  • Black in Arts and Humanities - a global Twitter community of Black people in the Arts & Humanities.
  • Black Cultural Archives - Black Cultural Archives is the only national heritage centre dedicated to collecting, preserving and celebrating the histories of African and Caribbean people in Britain. 
  • Migration Museum - The Migration Museum explores how the movement of people to and from Britain across the ages has made us who we are – as individuals and as a nation.
  • People’s History Museum - the national museum of democracy, telling the story of its development in Britain: past, present, and future.
  • The Runnymede Trust - The UK's leading independent race equality thinktank.
  • The Peace Museum - The Peace Museum explores the history and the often untold stories of peace, peacemakers, social reform and peace movements.
  • International Slavery Museum - Increasing the understanding of transatlantic, chattel and other forms of enslavement.


Articles, podcasts, & presentations:

CBA resources:



Harassment and bullying 



Mental health 




  • Vocal Eyes - Bringing theatre, museums, galleries and heritage sites to life for blind and partially sighted people.
  • The National Autistic Society - The UK’s leading charity for autistic people and their families.
  • Autism Alliance - Raising awareness and providing information for autism-friendly communities. 
  • British Dyslexia Association - Working to achieve a dyslexia-friendly society for all.
  • The Dyslexia Association - Support and services for dyslexic children and adults of all ages, their parents/families, educators, employers and the wider community.



Digital accessibility

Professional archaeology organisations and unions 


  • CIfA - The leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas.
  • CIfA Equality & Diversity Special Interest Group - The group’s core function is to work with and support CIfA individual members and Registered Organisations to challenge the lack of equality and diversity in the profession.
  • Prospect - The Archaeologists' branch of Prospect independent trade union.
  • FAME - The distinctive voice of archaeological employers and managers.
  • Historic England - The organisation's equalities statement. 
  • The RSA - The RSA’s work on Heritage and Inclusive Growth is about how to make sure that economic growth driven by heritage is sustainable, with benefits for everyone in the local community, not just a few.

Other resources

Other relevant resources

  • Local Heritage Engagement Network (LHEN) - providing guidance to the public on how to champion archaeology in their local areas.
  • Archaeological Ethics Database - holds over 500 sources relating to ethics in archaeology. A resource run by the Register of Professional Archaeologists (the Register) and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA).