British Archaeology Magazine


British Archaeology is our award-winning bi-monthly publication, published by the CBA, focusing on the latest archaeology news, discoveries, and research within the UK and from British Archaeologists working overseas. With articles from the CBA team, it is a great way to get to know the work we do.

It is one of the benefits of CBA membership, and is available via a print or digital subscription, and from high street newsagents.

CBA members: to access the digital edition, please click the button and follow the instructions to register. You will need to use the email address you use to log in to the CBA site but can create a new password.

Institutional subscription: British Archaeology and its past editions are available for Insitutional subscriptions. Find out more about the beneifts of Insitutional subscriptions and how to subscribe below. 

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 This Edition

Preview this months edition

What's in this Edition?

A special CBA focused edition, celebrating 80 years! 

The November December 2024 issue of British Archaeology marks the 80th anniversary of the Council of British Archaeology (CBA). As such, guest editor Gail Boyle has placed a strong emphasis on showcasing the many strands of the CBA's work to promote engagement with archaeology among all sectors of the population. Features shine a light on four of the Catalysts for Change projects, which form part of the CBA's wider Reconnecting Archaeology project - also a feature. The Festival of Archaeology and Advocacy are also explored, as is the PUNS2 research project. Regular features include Casefiles, 8-25, Active, Sharp Focus, Broadcasting, Antiquity, News and Chloe Duckworth's column.

British Archaeology is a bimonthly members’ magazine that is also available in newsagents and by subscription in print and digital

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Discover feature articles

On occasion, we provide open access to featured articles to support out wider advocacy work championing archaeology. Discover them below.

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Open Access Article - Reconnecting Archaeology

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Open Access Article - From the Director: Archaeology and Community

Regular features

Regular features highlighting the work of the CBA

From the director From the director

A letter from director of the Council for British Archaeology Neil Redfern

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Open Access Article - From the Director: Archaeology and Community


Archaeology 8-25 Archaeology 8-25

Articles from the delivery & engagement team at the Council for British Archaeology, as they report on the world of young and aspiring archaeologists


Archaeology Active Archaeology Active

Discover more about CBA activities to champion archaeology and public participation


Casefiles Casefiles

Caseworkers at the Council for British Archaeology present examples from the council’s files


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More information

Past Issues

CBA membership includes access to a searchable library of previous British Archaeology issues, dating back to 1995.

You can search our back catalogue for subjects that may interest you here

Institutional Subscriptions 

Institutions such as schools, colleges, and libraries can now benefit from an institutional subscription to British Archaeology, giving all of their staff and students digital access to current and past issues of the magazine, providing more than 20 years of archaeological insight.  

Institutional subscriptions are available on a wide range of devices and offer both IP authenticated and remote access. Tools such as an integral keyword search, bookmarking and extensive linking will allow users to use the subscription to enhance their study of archaeology.

With an insitutional subscription, you gain access to all of the following benefits:

  • Fully-searchable access to the growing archive of back issues.
  • Unlimited IP-authenticated access and remote access options available.
  • Your institutional logo displayed on your subscription.
  • Cross-platform compatibility with all Web, iOS and Android devices.
  • Usage reports, MARC records, KBART data and excellent customer support.


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