Get Involved

Volunteer with us!

Do you care about historic buildings and want to support their conservation? If so, why not apply to be a Casework Input volunteer.  

Each year the CBA receives more than 5,500 listed building consent applications (LBC) for England and Wales. Our role in the planning system is to flag up any issues that proposals might have on the archaeological interest of a place. We provide specialist advice and advocate for a conservation-led approach to managing change in the historic environment.

We run a database that we record all these applications on with the help of volunteers all over the country. Our volunteers receive training on who we are, what we do, and how we assess LBC applications, as well as how to use the database of course. They then make a commitment to receive and upload a regular amount of applications onto the database each week.

If you would like to volunteer to assist with our casework database, please fill out the Casework Volunteer Application Form, and contact [email protected]

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