Experience Geophysical Survey Days

On this experience you will learn about the different techniques of Geophysical survey undertaken in archaeology, and will also have the chance to undertake Ground Penetrating Radar survey at the site of a Deserted Medieval village, at Welby in Leicestershire.

Archaeological Geophysics uses a range of instruments and techniques to detect and map variations below the ground surface. These can be interpreted by archaeologists and effectively enable the experienced practitioner to ‘see’ possible archaeological features under the ground.

On this experience you will learn about the different techniques of Geophysical survey undertaken in archaeology, and will also have the chance to undertake Ground Penetrating Radar survey at the site of a Deserted Medieval village, at Welby in Leicestershire.

This fantastic opportunity will include a mixture of taught theory, and field-based hands-on practical learning and involvement.

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Over the course of the session you will undertake the survey work, lay out grids, record grid locations, and collect real geophysical data in the field.

There will also be chance to see how this data can be used in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software, to produce maps and plans.
On the day:

  • Introduction to geophysics in archaeology presentation,
  • Laying out grids for surveying (theory, then in the field)
  • Ground Penetrating Radar survey,
  • Recording the location of grids,
  • See downloaded data from the survey at the end of the day.

The survey will take place at Welby Deserted Medieval Village, in rural Leicestershire, just outside Melton Mowbray.

As well as forming part of long-term research into the deserted village, the survey also aims to locate and explore the location of the missing 17th century manor house of Welby, and its possibly medieval predecessor…

You can be part of that search!

As well as offering the best archaeological experience opportunity, the geophysical survey training can be used as part of the Archaeological Skills Passport programme.