This is Archaeology: Maritime Archaeology - It’s not just shipwrecks!

ONLINE - Thursday 15th February 2024 at 7 pm 

When I introduce myself as a maritime archaeologist, I’m usually met by a positive and excited reaction with comments about how amazing shipwrecks are. This is entirely true. Shipwrecks as time capsules are intrinsically fascinating. But there is so much more to maritime archaeology that does not receive the same recognition, which is leading to its accidental and sometimes intentional destruction. While popular culture has a lot to answer for this uneven view, those working in the discipline have the power and responsibility to widen our collective understanding to ensure that our threatened maritime heritage is appreciated and preserved.

This talk will outline the breadth of maritime archaeology, highlighting a variety of site types from the UK and overseas, particularly those on which the presenter has personal experience. It will also provide heritage practitioners and history enthusiasts with some practical tips on how to share the excitement of all aspects of maritime archaeology with anyone who cares to listen.

Sandwich Flats, Kent
Sandwich Flats, Kent


Peta Knott

Peta Knott

Education Manager, Nautical Archaeology Society

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