The research programme that followed the major `Viking Dig' at 16-22 Coppergate, York, is virtually complete and published in previous volumes of The Archaeology of York series. The ten chapters in this book, each written by a specialist, place the Coppergate discoveries within the wider context of Viking Yorvik whilst demonstrating `how far the study of Anglo-Scandinavian York has progressed in the last quarter century' since the `Viking Dig'. Contents: A historiographical introduction to Anglo-Scandinavian York (R A Hall) ; Anglo-Scandinavian York: the evidence of historical sources (David Rollason) ; The coinage of Scandinavian York (Mark Blackburn) ; The inscriptions of Viking-Age York (David N Parsons) ; The Anglo-Scandinavian street-names of York (Gillian Fellows-Jensen) ; Settling people in their environment: plant and animal remains from Anglo-Scandinavian York (Allan Hall, Harry Kenward) ; Animal bones from Anglo-Scandinavian York (T P O'Connor) ; Art in pre-Conquest York (Dominic Tweddle) ; Craft and economy in Anglo-Scandinavian York (Ailsa Mainman, Nicola Rogers) ; The topography of Anglo-Scandinavian York (R A Hall) .