25 Jul 2024
by Rosie Crawford

A Day in Archaeology: analysing pre-Hispanic Colombian gold beads from the @museodeloro & the vast archaeological site of Nueva Esperanza @uniminutocol #festivalofarchaeology @archaeologyuk.🎉

As a researcher who loves to be hands-on, days in the lab are my favourite days. By looking at these beautiful beads under the @keyence_official microscope, we are able to identify features consistent with certain production techniques, such as casting. And by analysing other aspects like surface roughness & wear patterns, we can also begin to understand the objects’ life-histories.

Follow @reverseactionp & @just_a_little_roo for more & check out the #ADayInArchaeology blog @archaeologyuk for more interesting insights into life as an archaeologist! 🤠🎓👷‍♀️ #archaeology

Rosie Crawford

REVERSEACTION & The University of Cambridge

Rosie is a Research Assistant on the REVERSEACTION project here at Cambridge, investigating metallic, lithic, textile, and ceramic artefacts from Pre-Hispanic Colombia.

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Rosie Crawford