Celebrate the launch of this year’s fantastic Festival of Archaeology with a FREE fun-filled family day of exploration and creativity. Hosted on the Great Lawn at the historic Powis Castle and garden with our friends from the National Trust, this is a chance for visitors to uncover the rich heritage of this strategically important area on the Welsh/English border. Not only will there be a live archaeological excavation for visitors to discover more about the actual site, there will be tours and activities exploring the history and legends of the area, from Prehistory to the Restoration and beyond.
The theme for this year’s Festival is ‘Creativity and Archaeology’, and so there will be plenty of opportunities for all ages to explore their creativity, be it through hands-on arts and craft activities, storytelling or having a go at some haiku poetry! If that isn’t exciting enough, perhaps have a chat with our medieval stonemason, who can reveal the secrets of his ancient craft or even join-in with the Restoration era ‘horse-racing’ around the Castle’s terraced lawn. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can even book onto our free, off-site walking tours of Beacon Ring with archaeologist Dr Paul Belford to celebrate the launch of his new book, Views from Beacon Ring: Stories of a hillfort and its landscape.
Inside our festival marquee you can engage with some of the many archaeology, heritage and arts groups and organisations from across the region, including Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, Y Lanfa Powysland Museum and Denbighshire Heritage Services. With these and other local groups, discover how you can continue your own journey into the past through the rest of the Festival and far beyond.
Throughout the day there will be a range of talks and tours:
- 11am-3pm Introductory garden talks - every 30 minutes from the Orangery Terrace
- 10.30-10.45am Welcome by the Council for British Archaeology and National Trust on the Great Lawn
- 11-11.30am Storyteller performance on the Great Lawn
- 12-12.30pm Dr Paul Belford – Beacon Ring publication talk on the Great Lawn
- 12.45-1.15pm Storyteller performance on the Great Lawn
- 1-2.30pm Off-site tour of Beacon Ring with Dr Paul Belford – suitable footwear required. Meet at Council for British Archaeology stand - Minibus provided
- 1-1.15pm Launch of the Archaeological Achievement Awards on the Orangery Terrace
- 1.45-2.30pm Portable Antiquities Scheme Question and Answer Session on the Great Lawn
- 2.45-3.15pm Storyteller performance on the Great Lawn
- 3-4.30pm Off-site tour of Beacon Ring with Dr Paul Belford – suitable footwear required. Meet at Council for British Archaeology stand - Minibus provided
This is an outdoor event so please dress suitably for the weather.
Access to the Great Lawn is via sloped paths with some steep gradients.
The Council for British Archaeology acknowledges that there are challenging and painful histories associated with the Clive Collection at Powis Castle. We acknowledge that the National Trust is working to reinterpret the collection and reflect the stories associated with the it. For more information see https://www.archaeologyuk.org/resource/cba-statement-on-the-2023-festival-of-archaeology-launch-event-at-powis-castle.html
Dathlwch lansiad Gŵyl Archaeoleg wych eleni gyda diwrnod AM DDIM llawn hwyl, antur a chreadigrwydd i’r teulu. Yn cael ei gynnal ar Lawnt Fawr safle hanesyddol Castell a Gardd Powis gyda’n cyfeillion o’r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol, dyma gyfle i ymwelwyr ddarganfod treftadaeth arbennig yr ardal strategol bwysig hon ar y ffin rhwng Cymru a Lloegr. Nid yn unig bydd gwaith cloddio archaeolegol yn digwydd a fydd yn rhoi rhagor o wybodaeth i ymwelwyr am y safle, ond cynhelir teithiau tywys a gweithgareddau hefyd a fydd yn olrhain hanes a chwedlau’r ardal, o’r cyfnod Cynhanesyddol i’r Adferiad a thu hwnt.
Thema’r ŵyl eleni yw ‘Creadigrwydd ac Archaeoleg’, ac felly bydd digon o gyfle i bawb o bob oed arddangos eu hochr greadigol, boed hynny drwy weithgareddau celf a chrefft sy’n torchi llewys, adrodd straeon neu roi cynnig ar ychydig o farddoniaeth haiku! Ac i ychwanegu at y cyffro, cewch gyfle i sgwrsio gyda’n saer maen o’r Canoloesoedd, a fydd yn datgelu cyfrinachau ei grefft hynafol neu gallwch hyd yn oed roi cynnig ar ‘rasio ceffylau’ cyfnod yr Adferiad o amgylch lawnt deras y Castell. I’r rhai mwyaf anturus, gallwch hyd yn oed archebu lle ar ein teithiau cerdded oddi ar y safle o Gylch y Bannau gyda’r archaeolegydd Dr Paul Belford i ddathlu cyhoeddiad ei lyfr newydd, Views from Beacon Ring: Stories of a hillfort and its landscape.
Y tu mewn i babell fawr ein gŵyl, gallwch sgwrsio gyda’r amryw o grwpiau a sefydliadau archaeolegol, treftadaeth a chelf o bob cwr o’r rhanbarth, gan gynnwys Ymddiriedolaeth Archaeolegol Clwyd-Powys, Amgueddfa Y Lanfa Powysland a Gwasanaethau Treftadaeth Sir Ddinbych. Gyda’r rhain a grwpiau lleol eraill, gallwch ddysgu sut i barhau â’ch taith bersonol chi yn ôl i’r gorffennol drwy weddill yr Ŵyl a thu hwnt.
Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad awyr agored felly gwisgwch yn addas i’r tywydd.
Rhaid cerdded i fyny ychydig o lethrau i gyrraedd y Lawnt Fawr, a rhai ohonynt yn eithaf serth.
Mae’r Cyngor Archaeoleg Brydeinig yn cydnabod bod rhai hanesion heriol a phoenus ynghlwm â Chasgliad Clive yng Nghastell Powis. Rydym yn cydnabod bod yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol wrthi’n ailddehongli’r casgliad gan adlewyrchu’r straeon cysylltiedig. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i https://www.archaeologyuk.org/resource/cba-statement-on-the-2023-festival-of-archaeology-launch-event-at-powis-castle.html
Powis Castle and Garden / Castell a Gardd Powis, y Trallwng , Welshpool, SY21 8RF, United Kingdom
Sat, 15 Jul
10:00 AM
Duration of event
6 hours
Additional fee information
Access to the garden will be free. Please note that normal admission charges will apply to visit the castle.
Please head to the Welcome Cabin at the car park for tickets and information when you arrive. The main events will take place on the Great Lawn.
Cewch fwynhau’r ardd yn rhad ac am ddim. Sylwch fod y ffioedd mynediad arferol yn daladwy i fynd i mewn i’r castell.
Ewch i’r Caban Croeso yn y maes parcio wrth i chi gyrraedd i gael tocynnau a gwybodaeth. Cynhelir y prif ddigwyddiad ar y Lawnt Fawr.