10 Jul 2023
by Claire Corkill

Hi, my name's Claire and I'm the Development Manager at the Council for British Archaeology. As part of my role I project manage the Festival of Archaeology and each year one of my favourite events is A Day In Archaeology. 

A Day In Archaeology showcases the experiences of people engaging in archaeology across the UK and it's a fantastic glimpse into the incredibly diverse range of careers and voluntary and participatory opportunities archaeology has to offer.

Blogs provide a snapshot into an individual's experience and I find it fascinating to read about what got them interested in archaeology, the different career paths they've taken or how they might have incorporated archaeology into their free time. The blogs capture a moment in time as people share the project they're currently working on, their experience at university, a transition in their career or maybe event their first time participating in a community excavation. 

Each year I learn something new, whether that's a recent discovery, details of new technology that enables us to reveal new information, a different approach to sharing archaeology with others or ideas on how I can bring a more creative approach to my own enagement with archaeology. There's also always lots of ideas on new places to visit or opportuities to get involved.   

If you would like to find out more you can read blog posts from previoius years here. Hopefully you'll be as inspired as I am and maybe even take part. 

Anyone can submit a blog for A Day In Archaeology and we want to share the widest possible range of experiences. You don't need to be a 'professional' archaeologist, the voices of students, volunteers and participants are just as important as people working in archaeology! 

This year's event takes place on Thursday 27 July and is sponsored by Prospect. You can find more information and submit your blog here.

Blogs are released throughout the day from 9am onwards and we will be starting this year with a blog written by Prospect and the CBA.

I hope you'll join us on the 27 July and don't forget to share your experiences and links to your favourite blog post on social media including #FestivalOfArchaeology.

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Claire Corkill

Council for British Archaeology

I am the Development Manager at the CBA. Outside of work I enjoy exploring the archaeology of Scotland and climbing hills.

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