Antiquity is a leading peer-reviewed journal of world archaeology. First published in 1927, we feature original archaeological research on all periods and regions intended for a professional but non-specialist readership. We offer four main article formats: Research, Method, Debate and Project Gallery articles. All submissions are subject to peer review and submissions must demonstrate innovative approaches or novel results of international interest and significance.
The journal is published six times a year, in partnership with Cambridge University Press. Antiquity is owned by the Antiquity Trust, a registered charity, with the editorial office based in the Department of Archaeology at Durham University, UK. We welcome formal submissions from archaeologists based in universities, museums, and cultural heritage organisations around the world; we particularly encourage the submission of manuscripts by ECRs and by scholars based in under-represented regions. We also welcome informal enquiries about the suitability of topics and suggestions for special sections.

For the 2024 Festival of Archaeology Antiquity have made a number of their articles free to access. Follow the links below to discover some of the latest archaeological research from the UK and around the world.
- The world's oldest-known promontory fort: Amnya and the acceleration of hunter-gatherer diversity in Siberia 8000 years ago - Henny Piezonka, Natalya Chairkina, Ekaterina Dubovtseva, Lyubov Kosinskaya, John Meadows, Tanja Schreiber. Visit
- Pathways to the medieval hospital: collective osteobiographies of poverty and charity - Sarah Inskip, Craig Cessford, Jenna Dittmar, Alice Rose, Bram Mulder, Tamsin O'Connell, Piers D. Mitchell, Christiana Scheib, Ruoyun Hui, Toomas Kivisild, Mary Price, Jay Stock, John Robb. Visit
- A wall or a road? A remote sensing-based investigation of fortifications on Rome's eastern frontier - Jesse Casana, David D. Goodman, Carolin Ferwerda. Visit
- A lady of leadership: 3D-scanning of runestones in search of Queen Thyra and the Jelling Dynasty - Lisbeth M. Imer, Laila Kitzler Åhfeldt, Henrik Zedig. Visit
- The goddess’ new clothes: the carving and polychromy of the Parthenon Sculptures - Giovanni Verri, Hero Granger-Taylor, Ian Jenkins, Tracey Sweek, Katarzyna Weglowska, William Thomas Wootton. Visit
- The flow of ideas: shared symbolism during the Neolithic emergence in Southwest Asia: WF16 and Göbekli Tepe - Steven Mithen, Amy Richardson, Bill Finlayson. Visit
- In the bosom of the Earth: a new megalithic monument at the Antequera World Heritage Site - Leonardo García Sanjuán, David W. Wheatley, José Antonio Lozano Rodríguez, Lucy S. Evangelista, Antonio César González García, Marta Cintas-Peña, Marta Díaz-Guardamino, Verónica Balsera Nieto, Raquel Montero Artús, Fabian Kanz, Katharina Rebay-Salisbury, Francisco J. Jiménez Espejo, Timoteo Rivera Jiménez. Visit
- Textiles, basketry and cordage from the Early Neolithic settlement of La Marmotta, Lazio - Mario Mineo, Niccolò Mazzucco, Mauro Rottoli, Gerard Remolins, Laura Caruso-Ferme, Juan F. Gibaja. Visit
- Touch wood: luck, protection, power or pleasure? A wooden phallus from Vindolanda Roman fort - Rob Collins, Rob Sands. Visit
- Bogs, bones and bodies: the deposition of human remains in northern European mires (9000 BC–AD 1900) - Roy van Beek, Cindy Quik, Sophie Bergerbrant, Floor Huisman, Pikne Kama. Visit
- Cooking in caves: Palaeolithic carbonised plant food remains from Franchthi and Shanidar - Ceren Kabukcu, Chris Hunt, Evan Hill, Emma Pomeroy, Tim Reynolds, Graeme Barker, Eleni Asouti. Visit
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