09 Jul 2024
by Terence Newman

Historic England brings underwater cultural heritage, specifically shipwrecks, to the attention of the wider public through the use of virtual reality dive trails and highlights routes for people to engage more closely with nationally important maritime heritage.   This resource explains how all this takes place. 

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Terence Newman

Historic England

Terry is the Maritime Archaeologist, National Listing and Marine Team, Historic England. His main responsibilities are managing public access to England’s Protected wreck sites, the licensees and their teams, who volunteer to be custodians of those wreck sites

A former Metropolitan Police Detective, who specialised in Homicide and Child Protection investigations, he now applies some of those skills in the management of our protected maritime heritage.

Terry is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, member of CIfA Marine Archaeology SIG, CIfA Heritage Crime SIG and a Maritime Heritage Crime Adviser within Historic England.

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Historic England